Our Coaches

Martin aka “Mr.Vendetta”
“I started my professional poker career in 2009 playing high stakes 6max SNGs on Full Tilt Poker. After “Black Friday” I decided to take a break from online poker and instead focussed on finishing my master of Economics and Game Theory at university. Afterwards, I took a classic career path in business consulting and it wasn’t until the beginning of 2018 that I chose to give professional poker another shot.
SNGs were pretty much dead by that time so I decided to give Spin & Gos a shot. I was immediately hooked by the intense action and a promising large player pool. By dedicating myself to getting better every day I reached 100s in a little more than a year and 250s a few months later.
I consider being a coach and community member at CardGrinders as the most rewarding experience of my poker career so far. Due to my educational background, studying GTO always felt very enjoyable and natural to me. I would consider this part of the game my strongest suit and love to discuss its patterns, applicability and limitations with my students. I look forward to working with you on your own personal poker success story.” ~Martin

Felipe aka “piupz”
“Before returning to Stars in 2022, I’ve been grinding on partypoker ($100-$500 limits) and completed Diamond Club Elite two years in a row under the nick names Midoriya_ and RealizingEquity.
Playing poker for me is about evolving as a person and about getting better not only in the game but also in life. I put a lot of effort into trying to make my life/routines as best as possible by applying one main key idea which is the search for knowledge/truth. It helps me to understand gradually in what areas of my life/poker it’s time to push further. And what I found is that it also tends to consistently help people around me. Many concepts I study in poker are also helpful in life and vice-versa.
When it comes to poker knowledge, I love discovering more and more about the theoretical/strategic side of poker and the decision making (thought) process behind the execution of the fundamentals while playing. I believe being good at one does not necessarily mean being good at the other, but both are needed to excel at playing high stakes poker. My mission is to constantly work towards improving in both!” ~Felipe

Cory aka “Spl0dg3”
“I’ve been a professional poker player for the better part of a decade. I’ve been fortunate throughout that time to watch the game evolve and develop to where it is today. Today’s game requires an intensely analytical approach to strategy that is based on working with the available data and models to derive the correct strategies. I have had the opportunity to optimise strategies for clients playing up to $5,000 buy-in limit (Heads-up SNGs).
My passion for this deep analytical work with data motivated me pursue that broader interest in data science, to augment my toolkit in order to derive the most profitable poker strategies possible. Today, I’m focused on building cutting edge strategies using the most advanced models in the industry.” ~Cory

Tilo aka “Epistokrat”
“My Poker career started 10 years ago after graduating from University. During that time it had become clear to me that my goal is to become a professional poker player. I started out at the 7$ level in a staking program very similar to CardGrinders. By putting in a lot of hours of study time, I became an expert in the HU Hyper Turbos format, eventually working my way up to the high stakes. In the meantime my staking stable opened up a second career path for me by offering me to take on poker coaching responsibilities and in the following years I worked with multiple stables, developing and teaching strategies.
Poker means freedom to me. It allows me to travel the world full-time, as a digital nomad. With an attractive hourly rate it is easy to establish a favorable work-life balance. Furthermore, it is more flexible than any other job I am aware of. I can work in the middle of the night, even on Sundays. Maybe 12 hours a day, or just 1 hour, or not at all.
Having invested my life savings into CardGrinders, I am all-in committed to the success of our team! It’s mandatory to stay ahead of the competition and I consider it my job to ensure that CardGrinders has the competitive advantage over any other team!”~Tilo